Live Stream of Divine Services
NOTE: If Live Stream is Down:
Please Watch Live Stream From Christ the Saviour Cathedral by CLICKING HERE
Keeping Connected To The Church
While we have passed through the worst of Covid and it is the more spiritually beneficial to worship in person, we are continuing live stream our Sunday Divine Liturgy and selected feast days for those who are ill, and unable to attend in person.
Links to Texts for the various Divine Services are provided below.
Faithful are kindly asked to participate fully, by following along the service with provided texts (see below) standing/ kneeling/ sitting, etc as one would do at Church.
Broadcast Instructions:
ATTENTION: To start the broadcast you must click on the red arrow on the screen. The broadcast stream will begin at approximately 5-10 minutes before the posted starting time of the service. If the broadcast is not live, simply refresh the page. A red light at the bottom of the screen will indicate when the stream is live.
This service allows people with slower internet speeds to enjoy the broadcast as well. While it should automatically select the highest quality your internet service can stream, you may select the desired quality up to full HD (1080) by clicking on the round settings button on the bottom right corner of the video screen.
Select full screen mode by clicking on the button at the far bottom right corner of the screen.
Divine Service Texts
Prayer to The Mother of God In Time of Coronavirus
Evening Prayers
As Taken From "Come To Me Prayer Book"
Published by the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America
Divine Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom
As served in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America
Great Vespers For Saturday Evenings Without Litya
As served in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America
Presanctified Liturgy (PDF Format)*
As served in the American Carpatho-Russian Orthodox Diocese of North America
Prayer Corner

Scripture Readings For
Visit the Prayer Corner for more daily readings, hymns, a monthly calendar of saints and feasts, and more.