Christmas Greetings from Father Peter
On behalf of Pani Carol, Daniel, Timothy and myself, I would like to thank you all for your cards, gifts, prayers and best wishes on the Feast of the Nativity. We wish all of God’s choicest blessings on the entire Holy Ghost Parish Family on this great Feast day and offer our sincere thanks to…..
Our Parish Choir and Cantors for leading the singing of the Nativity Services with your angelic voices. We all felt as if we were standing in Heaven.
Our parish altar servers for their faithful service to our church throughout the year and our special alumni and guest servers who are with us today.
Our dedicated Church School teachers for their labors in educating our youth.
The Altar Society for organizing the fellowship which will follow today’s Liturgy as well as all those who brought goodies to share. And for all of their efforts throughout the year in taking care of our beautiful church.
The members of Junior and Sr ACRY for all of the good works they do for the benefit of our Church and the local community.
Our culinary ministry team for their hard work throughout the year making our delicious food for sale, to support our parish.
The members of our parish council, and our church sexton, for all that they do to oversee the day to day operation of our parish and all of their unselfish labors for God’s glory.
Our many parish children who bring joy to our hearts seeing their happiness in being in the Lord’s house at Divine Liturgy.
Our parishioners and friends for donating poinsettias, candles and other liturgical items. Your special intentions of loved ones, living and departed have beautified our Church for the Nativity of Our Saviour.
And finally each and every member of our parish family for the many unseen acts of kindness, service and love offered in the name of our Lord and Saviour to our parish and our local community.
May God Bless us all with good health, peace and happiness in the new year!
Prayer Corner
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